De Broglie, 1924, in his PhD thesis says if an electron has wavelike properties this would be its wavelength. 德布罗意,1924年在他的博士毕业论文中说到,如果一个电子有类似波的性质,这就是它的波长。
And what de Broglie said is well, if it's true that light, which has a wavelength can have momentum, then it must also be true that matter, which has momentum, also has a wavelength. 德布罗意说的是,如果光具有波长和动量是对的,那么物质具有动量和波长,也一定是对的。
So that would probably be de Broglie's answer for why, in fact, we're not observing the wavelength behavior of material on a day-to-day life. 所以那就可能是德布罗意关于,为什么我们无法再日常生活中,观测到物质的波动行为的答案。
What de Broglie is saying we can know the wavelength of any matter at all, as long as we know its mass and it's velocity. 通过德布罗意所说的,只要我们知道了,它的质量和速度,我们可以知道,任何物质的波长。
Theoretical Interpretation of Experimental Results on Four-Photon de Broglie Wavelength Measurement 对四光子德布罗意波长测量实验的理论解释
So there was a good question in Wednesday's class about the de Broglie wavelength and if it can actually go to infinity. 在周三的课上有个关于德布罗意波波长的问题,非常好,就是它能不能到无穷大。
But de Broglie has told us that the wavelength is related to the instant velocity through this formula. 但德布罗意曾说过,波长是和瞬时速度相联系的,通过这个公式。
And we can use the de Broglie relationship that wavelength should be equal to h and I want to make note that instead of writing joules per second, I actually wrote out with a joule is. 我们使用德布罗意关系式,波长等于,除以质量和速度的乘积,h,over,mass,times,volume。,我说明一点,我实际上经常写焦耳,而不是焦耳每秒。
When the de Broglie wavelength of electrons inside a nanoscale metal particle is comparable to its size, the quantum size effects ( QSE) appear. 当金属纳米颗粒中电子的deBroglie波长已经可以和它的大小相比时,量子限制效应(QSE)就会出现。
In plasmas, when the density of particle number is very high, the thermal de Broglie wavelength is similar to the average interparticle distance, both the quantum effect and collective effect is important, this is so called quantum plasmas. 当等离子体的密度很高时,德布罗意波长与粒子间的平均间距相当,此时量子效应和集体效应同时起作用,这种等离子体被称为量子等离子体。